Marti Lay Art

Is it ok to be multi -disciplined?                      Sure, but you may fail at some of it.
art process Martha Lay art process Martha Lay

Is it ok to be multi -disciplined? Sure, but you may fail at some of it.

Trying and Failing doesnt make you a failure.

-I’m no singer. It’s a fact.Why talk about failures and missteps?

So often when we are young we get stuck on some criticisms someone said that made us think we were the failures.Trying hobbies, sports, and even jobs before settling on the one that really grabs us and demands our full attention is not wasted time and energy. Kind of like dating before your marry. You might date a little but at some point for some reason you decide to commit to that special someone.

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January /Beginning Again
art advice, art process Martha Lay art advice, art process Martha Lay

January /Beginning Again

I’m beginning again after my winter holiday. Just entering the studio is daunting, like walking into the gym after a hiatus. My mental muscles resist. I contemplate procrastination, spin grand ideas, question ability, or worse, question, “Why bother?” Which become an existential inner dialogue.  If I don’t make a move fast those thoughts easily turn to distractions…”Maybe I should read, watch a movie, write a text to a friend, iron my socks…

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